Cooper Elementary, Derby Public Schools

Cooper Elementary

Project Case Study
Cooper Elementary was out of date and no longer serving the educational needs of its students. The McCownGordon team was selected to construct a brand new facility with large classrooms, collaborative learning spaces and more.


Derby Public Schools USD 260


Building Information Modeling
Collaborative Delivery


Derby, KS

This sleek and modern facility replaces the 1950s building to provide students with today’s educational needs including enlarged classrooms, huge windows, ADA compliance and collaboration space all incorporated with a feather theme mimicking the Eagle mascot.

Cooper Elementary, Derby Public Schools
Cooper Elementary, Derby Public Schools

The building includes new arts and music suites, and also incorporated the existing gym and library into the new building. Once construction was complete, teachers and staff transitioned into the new building. The old building was then demolished and turned into a parking lot with a dedicated drop-off lane.

Cooper Elementary, Derby Public Schools
Cooper Elementary -Derby Public Schools
Cooper Elementary -Derby Public Schools
Cooper Elementary -Derby Public Schools
Cooper Elementary -Derby Public Schools
Cooper Elementary -Derby Public Schools

Building Relationships

In The Community

Our K-12 clients have a mission to educate and train up the next generation of leaders. With this in mind, McCownGordon’s Cooper Elementary project team wanted to partner with the teachers and staff to help educate students about careers in construction and how their classes now will help them be successful in the future. However, our team’s ability to directly engage with the students and staff throughout construction was limited by the COVID-19 Pandemic

So, the team came up with the idea of a video that could be shared with students, parents, and staff. The video provided a close look at the active construction of their school and helped educate students about career paths in construction.