Manufacturing Engineering


Process and Packaging Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering

Streamlining the process through manufacturing excellence.

A manufacturing facility

Engineering Excellence: Innovating Manufacturing Solutions

Manufacturing engineering demands creative solutions for intricate problems. Our team of engineers excels at exploring unconventional approaches, fostering innovation, and generating fresh ideas. With their meticulous attention to detail and exceptional problem-solving skills, they focus on delivering our clients operational efficiencies and design manufacturing facilities that align with their goals. Supported by a diverse range of engineering expertise, our design-build projects thrive, ensuring seamless operations within manufacturing facilities. 

Our dedicated team of engineers is committed to providing comprehensive support for your project’s design journey. From the inception of the initial concept design to the meticulous engineering at the 30%, 60%, and 90% milestones, and finally, the production of detailed engineering drawings and specifications for construction, we are eager to collaborate with clients at any stage of the process. 


Process Engineering

Our process engineers play a vital role in manufacturing by designing, optimizing, and implementing efficient production processes. They work collaboratively to analyze product requirements, select equipment and specify operating parameters to design effective manufacturing processes. Spanning every market in food and beverage manufacturing, our engineers continuously evaluate and improve existing processes to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and ensure high product quality. They document processes, perform validation and testing, and troubleshoot issues to maintain smooth operations. With their technical expertise and problem-solving skills, our process engineers contribute to achieving efficient and streamlined manufacturing operations. 


Blommer Chocolate Packaging

Packaging Engineering 

For our manufacturing projects, our packaging engineers design, develop and implement packaging solutions for a variety of food and beverage products. They collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure packaging meets regulatory requirements, sustainability goals and cost objectives. Our packaging engineers work closely with equipment vendors to select the right solution for each client, looking at production volume, packaging type, automation needs and product characteristics. They also engineer line layout and integration collaborating with facility planners on product flow, space utilization, ergonomics and safety requirements. By using the latest technology our packaging engineers ensure seamless integration with other production processes, optimizing workflow and minimizing bottlenecks.


Man working on a manufacturing facility automation audit to improve efficiency

Sustainable Engineering

Sustainability and energy efficiency are paramount in manufacturing engineering. We promote sustainable practices that help reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing processes. By increasing energy efficiency and minimizing energy consumption we help clients save costs and reduce carbon emissions. Through life cycle analysis our teams focus on sustainable water solutions, minimizing energy consumption, renewable energy sources and industrial symbiosis. Our sustainable engineering teams help clients meet their corporate social responsibility goals and promote long-term viability, ensuring businesses can adapt to changing regulatory requirements and consumer preferences. 


News in Manufacturing

The first thing we build is relationships. 

We’d love to hear about your upcoming project and help bring your vision to reality.