Missouri Innovation Campus

Lee’s Summit R7 School District & University of Central Missouri
Building Information Modeling
Collaborative Delivery
Lee's Summit, MO
Associations for Learning Environments (A4LE) Design Concept Award
IIDA Mid America Chapter Interiors Award
Learning by Design Magazine Grand Prize for Best Education Design and Construction
ENR Midwest Best Project: K-12 Education
Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Award
SCUP/AIA-CAE Excellence in Architecture for a New Building

The new cutting-edge facility allows students to receive their college degree on an accelerated schedule immersing them in academics while simultaneously collaborating with business professionals.
Various programs focus on accelerated degrees, STEM education and internships with local industry partners.

The facility serves an estimated student population of 550 from the Lee’s Summit School District and 3,000 college students from MCC and UCM. The new building sits on a 15-acre site allowing for future expansion.