When selecting a location for Avenue 82, both EPC Real Estate and BRR Architecture desired walkability, access to amenities and charm—all things downtown OP offered. EPC was also drawn to the unique mix of community businesses, professionals and empty nesters, and the area’s continued growth.
Avenue 82 is EPC’s first office building and is home to BRR Architecture, Reach Healthcare Foundation and other future tenants. It was the ideal location for BRR to move its 160+ Kansas City employees after review of residence locations and they had a strong desire for their people to experience a community environment.

Project planning began more than a year prior to the project coming to fruition. The team of EPC, BRR and McCownGordon were partnered in the earliest phases of design and construction to ensure maximized value. Through team synergy and shared goals, the team completed the project on time and within budget.