New seating and escalator coming to Kansas Expocentre

As seen on WIBW, (Jul 16, 2019).
TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) — An Expocentre staple will soon be a thing of the past.
Construction crews are removing those green seats from the upper level of Landon arena at Stormont Vail Events Center.
They’ll be replaced with seats that are two inches wider.
Work is also underway on a bar on the upper level and that tall staircase on the northeast will come out and be replaced by a glassed-in grand lobby and escalator.
Stormont Vail’s Event Center Marketing Director, Allie Geist, said that the work won’t stop everyday events.
“We are maintaining a 100 percent operational throughout the entire renovational process over the two years,” Geist said. “So we have been working very closely with McCownGordon and the contractors working on the project to make sure that the renovations align with the openings we have in the schedule without disturbing the events that we will have going on the mean time.”
The $48 million construction project should be finished next year.