McCownGordon’s Commissioning Team
Understanding McCownGordon's Commissioning Services

McCownGordon’s Commissioning team is comprised of commercial building science specialists. Our practice embraces the entire life cycle of commercial buildings, with a dedication to making each building operate at optimal efficiency. Our goal is to setup each facility manager for success by providing tools to allow them to successfully continue to operate their building efficiently. Every building has a unique personality. We understand that the physical behavior of a building as a system and how this impacts energy efficiency, durability, occupant comfort and indoor air quality. To deliver optimum building attributes, we offer:
New Building Commissioning
New Building Commissioning provides quality assurance to ensure the owners project requirements and design intent are met and carried through to turnover. This quality assurance process verifies the systems are installed, operate, and perform to the design intent, through functional testing and observation reducing energy consumption and ensure occupant comfort in your buildings from the beginning.
Over time buildings drift out of calibration, system setpoints are adjusted, and the buildings personality becomes known. Re-Commissioning brings a previously commissioned building back into efficient operation. By reverifying the system operation, and perform to the design intent, through functional testing and observation reducing energy consumption and ensure occupant comfort in your buildings from the beginning.
Retro-commissioning applies to existing facilities, where we restore buildings that have never been commissioned or have been negatively affected by operator or space-use changes since the original construction. A thorough evaluation of the systems functionality and performance will identify various measures that can be implemented to improve building systems that have drifted from peak design efficiency over time and improve occupant comfort.
Monitoring-Based Commissioning
Monitoring-Based Commissioning, implemented in new or existing facilities, is more than a snapshot in time. This service continuously monitors the building systems using technology to monitor building equipment performance and system functionality to proactively identify issues. Monitoring-Based Commissioning provides net operating income risk management by keeping energy costs under control.
Building Optimization
Building Optimization is an additional layer to Monitoring-Based Commissioning that dives deeper into building performance to fine tune the system operating setpoints and schedules to meet the building’s personality. This service is the pinnacle of building system control and performance, integrating system controls to operate building systems together as one system for greater efficiency, using data analytics from real-time feedback of system performance to identify more precise and efficient setpoints & control measures for these systems year round
This illustration graphically shows the increased energy savings yielded by New Building Commissioning, Retro-Commissioning, Monitoring-Based Commissioning and Building Optimization.

Other Supporting Services: In addition to the above list of specialized commissioning, diagnostic, and remediation service offerings, McCownGordon provides assistance to building owners and operators with a range of tactical services to help answer questions about their buildings, including:
- Benchmarking of Energy Consumption / Utility Analysis
- Energy Audits
- System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
- Measurement and Verification
- Owner’s Technical Consultant / Project Management
- Facility Condition Assessments (FCA)/Property Condition Assessments (PCA)
- Building Health Assessments
The results from our commissioning projects have delivered energy savings ranging from 10 to 30%, better building comfort and longer equipment life. Most implemented measures have simple paybacks of less than 18 months.
To learn more about the range of energy saving commissioning and optimization services, and to take your first step toward reducing your building operating cost by contacting our team.Â